Posts Tagged ‘Strange Bedfellows’

Satan Is Risen & Needs Legal Representation

December 2, 2009

Claiming the word ‘no’ in the 1st Amen-dment is a Tort,  Breach of Contract and Promises which were all sworn on a King James version of the bible.   Therefore she want the 1st Amendment to read as follows:

Congress shall make law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof; but no law abridging….etc.   Since women were not allowed to vote, given a choice or decent respect of being asked; the word “no” denies US a choice as well as the laws of nature and nature’s God our forefather enjoyed.   We the People need religion law that respects the established GODly laws  in our own households.  So Times Almost Up and I suggest America makes a Choice; Will You Respect the Established GOD of your Oaths or Not? 

So Satan throws the Bible back into Court and uses Mendle’s gender and 4th Black Humor theories to prove GOD is a Black FeMale Spirit and Jesus Christ and Satan i.e Anti Christ are actually brother and sister.